
In 2023, large language models became widely available, and most users focused on retrieval augmented generation use cases. In 2024, the question arises about the next use cases once all users have access to a chat tool and their own document archive can be queried via a chatbot.

The use cases for generative AI are becoming more specific and complex. These include:

  • Integrating databases or non-textual information,
  • Automating non-deterministic processes like publishing job vacancies or reference slides.

While the possibilities for generative AI are endless, practical and stable implementation presents challenges.


This blog post discusses the benefits of collaborative work among multiple agents. It is the first of two parts. This part explains the building blocks of a multi-agent system and how to implement them using Autogen, the first library designed for multi-agent setups. The second part will focus on LangGraph, a recently released library for implementing multi-agent workflows based on the popular LangChain library.


When is it necessary to use multiple agents?

It is important to note that multiple agents do not necessarily improve the quality of work on a single task. However, if the task can be broken down into subtasks, then having several specialized agents working together can be an effective approach.

For instance:

  • If you aim to automate customer enquiries but the model does not match the company's communication style, it is worth investing time in fine-tuning.
  • If you need to query and summarize information from multiple sources and validate it according to the corporate communication policy, it may be useful to divide the process among several agents.


ChatGPT and other language models can generate text and have been fine-tuned for function calling. They understand the concept of function calls but cannot directly execute them. Instead, they can only indicate which function to call with specific parameters, requiring a corresponding runtime for execution.


Combining this with the intelligence of the language model creates an agent capable of:

  1. Independently creating program code
  2. Executing program code
  3. Debugging program code based on error messages.

This agent is a powerful tool as it can not only generate textual output but also plan and execute actions independently. In principle, such agents can be combined with a wide variety of tools, for example:

  • To search for information from a database,
  • To query a WebAPI
  • To analyze images or
  • To create a website.


It is possible to combine these diverse tools into a single agent for execution, but compromises must be made.

  • Certain tasks demand a high-quality and costly language model, while others can be accomplished with a smaller model that has been fine-tuned.
  • Even if a single model is used for all tasks, different configurations are typically recommended.
    • A low temperature value is recommended for programming tasks
    • A higher temperature value is recommended for creative writing
  • Agents that extract information from a database require detailed knowledge of table schemas.

Different tools may compete in this area. It is important to consider why an agent should be able to perform multiple tasks simultaneously when the UNIX and microservice philosophy suggests that different tasks should be handled separately.


Autogen - the first framework for multi-agent systems

Autogen is a framework for creating multi-agent systems. It is based on a paper presented in 2023 and is available as an open-source repository from Microsoft.


In the Autogen concept, multi-agent systems are group conversations between different conversable agents, which are manifested by a Python class. There are three types of Conversable Agents:

  • UserProxyAgent, which represents the user. The agents send the user's input into the conversation and return the result. They also execute functions called by other agents.
  • The GroupChatManager manages the flow of conversations between the agents. The default setting uses a simple round-robin heuristic. However, more complex configurations are possible, where a language model determines the next speaker.
  • The AssistantAgent contains the content agents, which are configured for specific tasks.




The basic concept is simple: one agent sends a message to another, optionally requesting a reply. If multiple agents are in a group chat, the messages are forwarded to all participants, creating a shared chat history. This way, agents have a shared pool of knowledge and can build on the work of their predecessors.


Autogen provides numerous examples of this, for instance:

  • A programmer can download relevant papers from an online research repository
  • Aproduct manager can generate product ideas from them. However, this procedure can cause the chat history to grow quickly, making queries slower and more expensive.

llm_config = {"config_list": config_list_gpt4, "cache_seed": 42}
user_proxy = autogen.UserProxyAgent(
    system_message="A human admin.",
        "last_n_messages": 2,
        "work_dir": "groupchat",
        "use_docker": False,
coder = autogen.AssistantAgent(
pm = autogen.AssistantAgent(
    system_message="Creative in software product ideas.",
groupchat = autogen.GroupChat(agents=[user_proxy, coder, pm], messages=[], max_round=12)
manager = autogen.GroupChatManager(groupchat=groupchat, llm_config=llm_config)
    manager, message="Find a latest paper about gpt-4 on arxiv and find its potential applications in software."


Many applications require closer monitoring of conversations rather than open group discussions among all agents. Autogen can facilitate this, as demonstrated by examples such as a chess game where two players communicate with the game and with each other.


To achieve this, special AssistantAgent classes must be created to register additional reply functions using the register_reply method. The first parameter is a filter for the type of message sender to use with this reply function.


For _generate_board_reply, the reply function handles the special logic of the chess game and returns a tuple with True and the selected move. True indicates that the function has generated a final response and no further registered response functions should execute.

sys_msg = """You are an AI-powered chess board agent.
You translate the user's natural language input into legal UCI moves.
You should only reply with a UCI move string extracted from the user's input."""

class BoardAgent(autogen.AssistantAgent):
    board: chess.Board
    correct_move_messages: Dict[autogen.Agent, List[Dict]]

    def __init__(self, board: chess.Board):
            llm_config={"temperature": 0.0, "config_list": config_list_gpt4},
        self.register_reply(autogen.ConversableAgent, BoardAgent._generate_board_reply)
        self.board = board
        self.correct_move_messages = defaultdict(list)

    def _generate_board_reply(
        messages: Optional[List[Dict]] = None,
        sender: Optional[autogen.Agent] = None,
        config: Optional[Any] = None,
    ) -> Union[str, Dict, None]:
        message = messages[-1]
        # extract a UCI move from player's message
        reply = self.generate_reply(
            self.correct_move_messages[sender] + [message], sender, exclude=[BoardAgent._generate_board_reply]
        uci_move = reply if isinstance(reply, str) else str(reply["content"])
        except ValueError as e:
            # invalid move
            return True, f"Error: {e}"
            # valid move
            m = chess.Move.from_uci(uci_move)
            display(  # noqa: F821
                    self.board, arrows=[(m.from_square, m.to_square)], fill={m.from_square: "gray"}, size=200
            self.correct_move_messages[sender].extend([message, self._message_to_dict(uci_move)])
            self.correct_move_messages[sender][-1]["role"] = "assistant"
            return True, uci_move


The logic described can create various communication patterns. However, it can become complicated and confusing, especially with complex setups. This is because the message flow is defined in multiple classes and depends on the sender and response registration position.


If you need to regulate who receives specific information, you must do so separately within the GroupChatManager. This further complicates complex communication flows.



Multi-agent systems are useful for building complex (semi-)autonomous systems. They allow for the definition of a specific agent for each subtask, including:

  • Prompting
  • Model selection
  • Configuration

Autogen was the first framework to support developers in defining such systems and offers numerous examples, particularly for open group conversations. However, if a consciously controlled flow of information is required, Autogen may not be the best choice due to its design.


To improve your understanding, we suggest reading the second part of this blog post series, which covers controlling multi-agent LLM systems with LangGraph.